Fotógrafa de profesión, realiza la diplomatura en Dirección de Fotografía en ECPV/EHZE. En el año 2021 escribe y dirige su primer cortometraje, «Bat», participando en el festival Zinebi y en la sección Too Cool for School de la Short Film Corner del festival de Cannes y en 2022 escribe, dirige y produce su segundo cortometraje, «Nire Amaren Etxea». Por otra parte ha dirigido varios videoclips musicales para grupos y solitas.
Photographer and film director, she studied Photography Direction at ECPV/EHZE. In 2021 she wrote and directed her first short film, «Bat», participating in the Zinebi festival and in the Too Cool for School section of the Short Film Corner at the Cannes festival and in 2022 she wrote, directed and produced her second short film, «Nire Amaren Etxea». On the other hand, she has directed music videos for groups and musicians.