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Carlos Velasco,Kate Hu

Velasco & Hu es un dúo artístico formado por Carlos Velasco de Madrid y Kate Hu de Taipéi, fotógrafos, realizadores de fashion films, publicidad y cortometrajes. Algunos de sus cortometrajes han sido nominados en el Aesthetica Short Film Festival, Notodofilmfest, Barcelona Fashion Film Festival, ScreenDance Festival Estocolmo, InShadow Lisbon ScreenDance Festival, Berlin Commercial Festival. Su ópera prima en el cine documental, PARA QUÉ SIRVEN LAS CANCIONES DE AMOR

Velasco & Hu is an artistic duo formed by Carlos Velasco from Madrid and Kate Hu from Taipei, photographers, directors of fashion films, TV commercials, and short films. Some of their short films have been nominated at the Aesthetica Short Film Festival, Notodofilmfest, Barcelona Fashion Film Festival, ScreenDance Festival Stockholm, InShadow Lisbon ScreenDance Festival, Berlin Commercial Festival. Their debut documentary film, PARA QUÉ SIRVEN LAS CANCIONES DE AMOR (WHAT’S THE POINT OF LOVE SONGS).