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Fabiola Villanueva Bernal,Alfonso Villanueva García

Fabiola Villanueva Bernal y Alfonso Villanueva García son los directores, guionistas y productores de CARMELA. Alfonso es graduado en Comunicación Audiovisual por la UC3M. Recibió la matrícula de honor por su TFG, el cortometraje BIG BUNNY (2019). Fabiola es egresada de la Licenciatura en Comunicación y la Licenciatura en Actuación en el INBA (México). Ha participado en diferentes obras de teatro como actriz. Juntos, cursan el Máster en Cine y Televisión de la UC3M, dedicando su TFM al cortometraje CARMELA.

Fabiola Villanueva Bernal and Alfonso Villanueva García are the directors, scriptwriters and producers of CARMELA. Alfonso was graduated with the Bachelor Degree in Film, Television and Media Studies (UC3M). He has directed and written short-films such as BIG BUNNY or CORRESPONDENCIAS. Fabiola was graduated from the National School of Dramatic Arts and The Loyola del Pacifico University (Bachelor in communication). She has developed as an actress in theatre and cinema. Together, they were graduated from the Master of Film and TV (UC3M). CARMELA is their Master’s thesis.