Jaime Newball, actor, director, escritor y guionista. Actor de teatro, televisión y cine, con más de 20 años de experiencia. Trabajos recientes: The Suicide Squad, Perdida, El Final del Paraíso, Sound of Freedom, entre otras. Actualmente, dedica parte de tu tiempo realizando coach actoral, brindando herramientas que ayuden al actor y actrices a enfrentarse exitosamente al casting audiovisual.
Jaime Newball, actor, director, writer and screenwriter. Actor of theater, television and cinema, with more than 20 years of experience. Recent works: The Suicide Squad, Perdida, El Final del Paraíso, Sound of Freedom, among others. Currently, he dedicates part of his time as an acting coach, providing tools that help actors and actresses to successfully face audiovisual casting.