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Joecar Hanna Zhang

Joecar Hanna-Zhang es un cineasta libanés/chino criado en España. Actualmente cursa su cuarto año de cine graduado en NYU Tisch. Ha dirigido un documental, editado 6 largometrajes, uno nominado a un Goya, y una serie. En Nueva York, recibió varios reconocimientos: el Premio Black Family en 2021, la Beca Ang Lee en 2022 y formó parte de la «Beca Marcie Bloom». Su primer cortometraje se estrenó en SXSW 2023.

Joecar Hanna-Zhang is a Lebanese/Chinese filmmaker raised in Spain. He is currently a fourth year in Graduate Film at NYU Tisch. He has directed one documentary, edited 6 feature films, one of them nominated for a Goya, and one TV show so far. In New York, he obtained many recognitions: The Black Family Prize in 2021, the Ang Lee Scholarship in 2022, and was part of the «Marcie Bloom Fellowship».nHis first narrative film premiered at the SXSW 2023 Narrative Shorts Competition.