Rodrigo Hernández, Adriana Cardoso y Edu Marín son realizadores independientes de documentales. Como parte de la cooperativa audiovisual Muzungu han desarrollado una amplia gama de series de televisión y documentales. Parte de su filmografía es el largometraje “Disparos” (México 2018), que ha competido en numerosos festivales internacionales, el premiado documental “Good Night Sarajevo” y “Blood On Our Side”, ganador del Mejor Documental en el Festival de Cine de Austin 2020, calificándose para los Premios Óscar 2021.
Rodrigo Hernandez, Adriana Cardoso and Edu Marin are independent documentary filmmakers. As part of the Muzungu audiovisual cooperative they have developed a wide range of TV series and documentaries. Part of their filmography is the feature film “Disparos” (Mexico 2018), which has competed around the world at top international festivals, the award-winning documentary “Good Night Sarajevo” and “Blood On Our Side”, winner of the Best Documentary Short Jury Award at the Austin Film Festival 2020, qualifying the film for the Academy Awards 2021.