Dirigido por Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe, Mirari Echávarri López
Título en inglés / English title: SAN SIMON 62
En los 80, un convento navarro albergó a la comunidad del Arco Iris. En la actualidad, el edificio está habitado por monjes de clausura y las huellas de aquella época son imperceptibles. Dos cineastas se acercan al lugar atraídas por los testimonios de sus madres que, intentando desprenderse de las secuelas del franquismo, pasaron por la comunidad.
In the 80s, a nunnery in Navarra was home to the Arco Iris community. Nowadays the building is inhabited by cloistered monks, and the traces of that period are imperceptible. Two filmmakers approach the place attracted by the memories of their mothers who, trying to free themselves from the aftermath of Franco’s regime, visited the community.
Productora / Production Company: Salvoconducto filmak
Dirección / Direction: Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe, Mirari Echávarri López
Guión / Script: Mirari Echávarri López, Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe
Producción / Production: Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe, Mirari Echávarri López
Fotografía / Cinematography: Mirari Echávarri López, Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe
Montaje / Editing: Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe, Mirari Echávarri López, Usue Arrieta, Ainara Elgoibar
Sonido / Sound: Andrea Sáenz Pereiro, Xanti Salvador
Lugar de rodaje / Shooting Place: España
Año de producción / Year of production: 2022
Género / Genre: Documental
Duración / Running time: 29 min.
País / Country: España
Biofilmografía / Biofilmography:
Graduated in Fine Arts, Mirari Echávarri and Irati Gorostidi co-directed San Simón 62, a short film premiered at the Punto de Vista International Documentary Film Festival 2021. Irati is currently developing her first feature, Anekumen, which has been selected in Ikusmira Berriak 2022 and has participated in various mentoring programs and markets. Her previous films have been screened internationally at film festivals and museums. Mirari debuted as a filmmaker in 2017 with the short film Cuerpos #1 Santa Águeda, screened internationally at festivals such as Porto/Post/Doc or the Oberhausen Short Film Festival, among others.
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